Navy Blue Angels in Diamond Formation
Honeybee on a blooming Florida native Buccaneer Palm II
Spicetail Butterfly on Florida Native Blazing Star
Spicetail Butterfly on Florida Native Tropical Salvia III
Spicetail Butterfly on Florida Native Tropical Salvia II
Spicetail Butterfly on Florida Native Tropical Salvia
Bald Eagle Sugar Camp Lake
Bald Eagle on Sugar Camp Lake
Loon Parents and Loonlet
Red Cardinal fledgeling with Dad
Barred Owl In Flight
Roseate Spoonbill Incoming
Roseate Spoonbill Closeup
Osprey with breakfast
Florida Scrub Jay pair
Great White Egret - Reflections in the Salt Marsh
Black Skimmer
Barred Owl Pair "Did hear the one about..."
Osprey Shaking off after catch